The human being makes sense of experience through two primary forms of awareness. The first of these is the physical Body itself. The second is what we call the Mind. Each of these forms of awareness has a role, and each supports the other in some way.
Unfortunately, we have been led to believe that the Body is dumb + the Mind is the Master. In fact, it’s worse than that: our modern lives have led us to believe that all awareness happens in the Mind.
Because of this, we’ve given full authority of living to the Mind. Because of this, we have become a disembodied species: we have learned to think our way through life.
Because of this, we’ve been walking mostly-blind through every day of our important lives.
The fact of the matter is that these forms of awareness must be married if we are to tap the richness of experience. The truth is that the depth of our awareness is embodied, and our primary intelligence is a resource few of us have ever wielded.
Body Listening changes all of that by turning this whole story on its head: returning the awareness of our conscious Mind to its correct position as a Student (as opposed to a task-master) of the Body.
Body Listening begins by understanding that the Body has intelligence + a language all its own. The body feels, experiences, knows. The body speaks!
In order to make sense of what it’s saying, we must learn its language just like any other.
Body Listening is a practice that retrains the Mind to pause + listen inward: to grow conscious of the Natural Intelligence our bodies are continually seeking to express.
Through this practice, we develop sensitivity to the Body’s signals, understanding them to be the system of communication that they are.
We become aware of just how totally impeccable (and necessary) this form of awareness really is.
Body Listening reconnects us to the rich, poetic nature of our lives: not as some idea we consider or discuss, but as a rhythm + relationship we feel.
Meeting life so intimately is a sacred act of celebration.
Celebrating life is why we’re here.