Dietary Regimen is an invitation to elevate the quality of your relationship to both food + your own body through the everyday act of eating. But the Analysis itself can feel quite daunting in the way that it illuminates so many relevant facets of design.
The reality is that each of us is beautifully complex, and the Analysis always reveals this. But the sheer density of information that this experience delivers can feel very overwhelming to remember + apply.
Because of this, I’ve recorded some thoughts in response to a prevalent question: I want to apply this, but where in the world do I start?
I hope that this video helps to provide useful options. The ideas presented are ones that I’ve lived out myself.
More than anything, I hope these ideas can help you to feel more relaxed about practicing all that you’ve learned. In the end, this is all very playful. There’s no pressure or hurry to “get it just-right.”
What we’re doing is more like exploring than passing-a-test. It calls to the child in you.