A recent participant of the Dietary Regimen Experience brought up the question of chronic illness, one of my favorite topics to address. Here is an excerpt of my response.
You may find, as you come into closer + closer alignment with your natural state of being, that this “disease” ultimately disappears itself. In fact, my personal perspective on things like disease + illness (discomfort, pain, and even plain-old tension in the body) is that, in every case, the body is attempting to communicate something important to us. The common cold is saying something; a minor skin blemish has a message to convey.
My belief is that in any case where that attempt at communication amplifies to a point of discomfort (like in the case of an illness or a disease of some sort), it’s only a result of having been deaf to the body’s signals for so long that it was forced to shut down entirely before we could ever catch the hint.
So for someone like yourself who is truly + wholeheartedly committed to this practice of Body Listening, I believe that it’s ultimately very possible for the body discomforts (and even “chronic illnesses”) to clear entirely, and for good - almost as if a heavy fog has been forever lifted.
And the discomforts clear because they’re simply no longer needed. You’re attuning yourself to the body now. You’re learning how to listen in. And so the body doesn’t need to “scream” its way into your awareness like it may have had to in the past.
Amazingly, in cases like this, we’re not so much “healing the disease” as we are remembering what it means to be a human. We’re simply remembering how to be inside a body: how to honor its communication + its needs.
I like that distinction: the subtle difference between “healing,” which feels a bit like an outside-in approach + remembering, which is very much a process of transformation from the inside-out.
You can remember your body, too. Book a Complete Analysis of your Dietary Regimen just on the other side of this button.