The Body Keys are rooted in sensation: they remind us how to sense + how to feel. Senses bring us back down to the ground of our existence in significant + unexpected ways. By turning our attention to the senses, we allow ourselves to access life directly, without filters, in-the-now. We become more present + engaged.

Because of this, sensation is a doorway that swings open to the memory of now; our lives become dimensioned + more real. The body only senses what is present: we come back to life when we can feel.

This is a fundamental realization, that: through animal sensation we both deepen + enrich our human life. Again we find: the body holds the keys.

The 6 Senses + their Sensors are:

  • Feeling (Nervous System)

  • Feeling-Sight (Left Eye)

  • Sight (Right Eye)

  • Hearing (Ears)

  • Smell (Nose)

  • Touch (Skin)

One or several of these senses is unique to you + your unfolding story. Meeting them illuminates your life. Is this your time?

MARCH 31, 2020

Timothy Brainard