SEPTEMBER 14, 2015

the fridge is covered in them, like ants.
outside, ants exist in noiseless teeming clusters.
inside, they are words - spirals of them, magnetic dots and lines.

they get into your shoes and climb your legs.
if you look for long enough, whole sentences form.
swatting or stomping only helps for a few short seconds.

you’re in control of this message, but first you have to see it.
eventually, you realize you can always just walk away.
you don’t walk away. you continue watching.

you do walk away, leaving one swarm in the dust.
just to find another word now will complete your fractioned note.
just to find another accidental mound to flock your boots.

the message reads: imagine me beside you
shake them off your feet without frustration, they are senseless.
the rhythm of my heart waiting dizzy.

Timothy Brainard