OCTOBER 3, 2023

T: Hello, Black Diamond. I invite you to share anything you wish to share. My heart is open to you. Albeit a little intimidated. I choose to trust you. Is there anything you would like me to see or to know?

IMPRESSION: An anvil falls from the sky + crashes to the earth with a THUD. I can almost hear + feel the tremors of that. It’s not like an asteroid with an explosive landing; it’s like a confident THUD. Almost like it was both falling + being magnetized, and then LANDED incredibly hard. The anvil is hot now. Catches fire. A white horse emerges. A pegasus, or a unicorn - at first I thought unicorn, but it might be a pegasus - a white horse with wings. But not both. I think it’s a Pegasus. Yes. Its wings are outstretched until it turns toward me. Then it folds its wings back, and turns its whole body toward me. Its gaze is gentle, yet calculating… testing… as if it’s sizing me up. It slowly begins to circle… me. While keeping its eyes on me. It lowers itself to its two front knees, bowing/kneeling to me. It bows its head toward me now. I bow + thank it. “Please stand,” I say.

S: You are the Master of Legions. We stand at your beck + call.

S: Ours is to carry you wherever you wish to go.

S: Speak but the words, and the action is done + completed.

S: You ride with us on the wind.

IMPRESSION: The Pegasus vacillates / flickers between a white horse with large wings + a griffin. A white griffin.

S: I am the Crystal White Keeper. Angel-Protector of Hearts.

S: Feel the great weight in the palm of your hand. This is the pressure of absolute safety, guidance, protection - all yours.

S: We both transport + defend, carry + guard your intention.

IMPRESSION: Both Pegasus + Gryphon are in front of me now. Their presence is strong + yet still… flickering in a way. As if to imply that they are still connected as one. Two clear presences, somehow contained in one stone. Two sides of only one coin.

IMPRESSION: The stone in my palm feels quite cool. Almost like a miniature ice cube.

S: Heat cannot touch us. Nothing can penetrate this.

S: We are your constant companions.

S: Angel defenders…

S: … of kings, queens, and crystalline hearts.

S: Timothy is the Pegasus, Lara is the Gryphon.

S: You are the same Diamond Heart.

S: Diamond expressing as two.

S: Both are the same, each is needed.

S: Pegasus on the right, Gryphon on the left.

S: White Gryphon matters. Lara is crystalline-pure.

S: White Pegasus, Ancient Angel.

S: [Both] cut from the same ancient star.

S: Ancient is ageless - there’s no way to calculate time.

S: You have forever existed: as you, and as this, and as us.

S: You are the same Diamond Presence that activates worlds, and has done so across countless eons of time.

S: Look in the mirror of Pegasus, Gryphon, of Lion + Diamond + Sun.

S: These are your timely reminders of what you have come here to do.

S: Shine, each of you, like the powerful agents of life-love-and-beauty you are.

S: Shine forth as crystalline suns.

S: Open your wings + emerge like the dawn of the day.

S: Crystalline suns, rise + shake this whole world back to life.

S: Rise now that you are together. Rise to the heights hand-in-hand.

S: Know that the light that we speak of is your love poured out without measure.

S: Love from the center of you.

S: That center burns with the Fire of Ages: first taste of Creative Light.

S: Know that your love is an anvil. It shakes the earth back to life.

S: Crystalline impact is physical impact.

S: Who you are here matters more than you’ve ever suspected.

S: SHAKE the whole world back to life.

S: Do this by growing your love.

S: Do not hold back for an instant.

S: Pour your great hearts into love.

S: You are the anvil + cauldron. [Alchemy is implied here.]

S: Your love perfects + reminds.

S: This is a pivotal moment to reclaim the light that is yours.

S: Light is your love is your power.

S: Rest so completely in this.

S: Hooves, paws, and wings beat a confident path to new life.

S: See yourself in our strong bodies. Feel yourself in what you see.

S: Each serves the other, and both serve the story of life.

S: This is what you have arrived here at this time to do.

S: Do not forget, Angel King. Queen. Star. Diamond.

S: You’re here to generate light.

S: Light is the love that you share.

T: Black Diamond, is there any specific message you would like for me to know?

IMPRESSION: Pegasus steps forward, comes very close to my face.

S: Do not shrink from what you’ve seen here today, Angel King.

S: Step fully into your role.

S: You are not playing pretend [here].

S: You know the Truth, now reclaim it.

S: All of Life - your life - awaits.

S: State what you wish + expect it.

S: Armies wait on your command.

S: You are the Master of Legions, who wait for direction from you.

S: Stand tall in your royal presence.

S: Stand like the Angel-Commander you are.

S: There is no value in shrinking. Waste not one more breath in that.

S: You are the Golden Commander. Speak as the trumpet of truth.

S: Know beyond doubt that the moment you speak it is done.

S: Look at me now in my glory + strength, and see yours.

S: I am a vision of you.

T: Black Diamond, is there a specific message you’d like for Lara to know?

IMPRESSION: Pegasus steps back, Gryphon steps forward.

S: She has seen me for herself. Her inner vision: white light.

S: What she knows, she knows completely.

S: She must accept what she knows.

S: Lara is Angel-Protector.

S: Angel-Protector + Queen.

S: She fills the role of Angel-Protector + Queen.

S: She is no different than you are; each of you serves in your way.

S: Lara is wild + ready. Shock of her wings shatters night.

S: She is the lightning to pair with your thunder.

S: Your powers go hand-in-hand.

S: Lara is clear as a crystal.

S: Diamond-Heart, Crystalline Sun.

S: She must consider the Gryphon. It is an image of her.

S: Let her consider White Gryphon. White is the power she bears.

S: Blinding in its sheer perfection. She must remember herself.

S: She must remember herself. Help her remember herself.

S: Helping her do this, you will remember yourself.

S: Angel-Queen Lara, fear not the Crystalline View.

S: Yours is the highest perspective.

S: Occupy your Diamond Throne.

T: Black Diamond, is there any way we should use you?

S: Keep me inside of your hearts. See Pegasus + White Gryphon.

S: Unfold your fiery, crystalline wings. Soar to the heights of your nature.

S: This stone is precious, but means very little. What it shows you matters most.

S: Carry the Diamond Perspective. Ride on the wings of the dawn.

S: Know that your words drop like anvils.

S: Shower this world with your light.

S: Use me as often as needed: crystalline portal, I am.

S: Drink of the Truth like a mirror. Find it, if you wish, through me.

T: Diamond, thank you. Thank you for all that you’ve shared.

S: Your love for Lara, and her love for you has transformed [many] worlds [before this].

S: Transform this world.

S: Go now: make love, light - make life.


Timothy Brainard